Station Infestation

NOTE: this is a BETA. Bugs may plague you!


Z - run
X - shoot
S - stomp/squish/sneak
A - toggle autofire
D - drop detergent (if crouching), deploy detergent shield (if standing)

Status Display

Station Damage : Ammo : Slime Level : Station Infestation : Detergent Shield

Tools & Equipment

 (Wrench, Ammo, Autofire, Detergent)

Shoot a dropped pile of detergent to kill everything in the room.

Move UP toward the medi-tank to clean yourself if you get slimed.

Use the wrench to repair damaged panels.

Ammo reloads can be found.

The autofire mod for your laser gun will increase your weapon's firing speed. This is particularly useful against large swarms of snoticles.

The detergent shield will protect you from ten direct hits before wearing off.

Detergent boxes and ammo refills are replenished only once during each slimewave.


Blobs produce snoticles randomly. Snoticles will also appear when you kill an alien. If enough snoticles escape into the crawlspaces, an egg will spawn.

Eggs produce a huge number of snoticles if shot. Ignite dropped detergent to kill them safely. Eggs will explode if approached too closely... you will see them open as a warning that you are too close. Some snoticles will jump on you if they get close, and increase your slime level. You can shoot most of them by crouching. Those that avoid your lasers must be stomped on.

Octopods will wander about the station destroying panels. 

Repairing Damage

Panels are an integral part of the station's Anti-Crashing System, and the station cannot maintain orbit if enough of them are damaged. Repair damaged panels with the wrench tool. To use the wrench, line up with a damaged panel and press UP. Note that repairs take three seconds to complete.

Hacking Doors

Move TOWARD a locked door to hack the door code.

Code numbers show as either dark or light green. If you are on a dark number, you must move to a LOWER number. If you are on a light number, you must move to a HIGHER number. You must move from the left side of the code matrix to the right to successfully unlock the door. A wrong move will kick you out of the interface, but you can try again as many times as you need. Note that you can still get killed while hacking.

Hit X to exit the interface without completing the hack.

Winning and Losing

You must survive three slimewaves, repair all damage to the station, and kill all aliens and alien eggs to win the game.

If the damage level of the station or station infestation reach 100%, the number of aliens on the station surpasses 14, or you get slimed to death, you lose the game.

Development log

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